The average BGA will spend roughly $20,000 a year on their website. This includes quoting tools, hosting, web archiving and backup, single sign-on, and maintenance. This price doesn’t even include design, so it’s worth spending some time on what messaging your website needs to convey in order to attract and convert leads.
The most important thing to consider about your website are the words. Great graphics and images help in selling but without the right words, your prospects won’t know what you do, how you can help, and how to start working together.
Below are the 5 messaging techniques to use while writing the content for your website.
1. Aspirational Identity
An aspirational identity is who your customer wants to become. Many business websites focus on themselves, when they should be focusing on who their customer wants to be. If your prospect wants to be on Barron’s Top RIAs or reach MDRTs Top of the Table, then you need to show them how working with you will help them get there.
Main Tip: The messaging on your website should be about your prospects and how you can help them become a better version of themselves.
2. Direct Call-to-Action
The key word here is direct. Many websites now include CTAs but many CTAs are soft in nature, such as “Learn More” or “About Us.”
Instead, you should provide the prospect with a direct action on what to do next. Depending on your sales funnel, the next step may be to “Schedule a Call,” “Get Licensed,” or “Run a Quote.”
Main Tip: Create a direct call-to-action in your sales funnel. This lets your team know your prospect is interested in doing business.
3. Simple and Direct Messaging
Many BGA websites try to be cute and clever but make one big mistake: They fail to tell the prospect what they do. They write something general such as “The Advisor’s Advisor,” “Helping Advisors Reach their Goals” or “Six Generations in the Business.”
They fail to mention they:
- are a BGA or wholesaler
- wholesale life, LTC, DI, and annuities
When financial advisors come to your website, they should be able to tell immediately that you are a BGA or that you wholesale these products. Otherwise, you’re losing sales.
Main Tip: Be simple and direct with your messaging. Simple and direct increases conversions while cute and clever confuses.
4. Step-by-Step Plan
If a broker were to ask how to get started, what would be your answer?
If you haven’t already, you should create a step-by-step plan on how to start working with your BGA. When you list out a plan, it helps the prospect to easily visualize what they need to do to start working with your BGA. Keep it to a minimum: Three to four steps is plenty. Any more than this and you’re likely to lose them.
Main Tip: List out the steps to get started working with your BGA, so your prospect knows what to expect.
5. Possible Failure
Michael Jordan famously said, “I hate losing more than I love winning.” Avoidance of failure can compel people to take action.
You can convert more prospects by demonstrating that, without your help, they won’t obtain the best underwriting offer and their clients might find a better offer through a competitor.
Main Tip: You need to show your prospect what life will look like if they don’t work with you (i.e. failure).
There are the five key points your BGA website needs to make to convert more brokers into clients:
5 Messaging Techniques Your BGA Website Should Include:
Aspirational Identity
Direct Calls-to-Action
Simple and Direct Messaging
Step-By-Step Plan
Possible Failure
By using these messaging techniques, you’ll be able to paint a clearer picture of what you do, how you can help, and how to start working together.